Friday, June 24, 2011

Waking up

      Haven't really been catching up to blog lately, been busy with school and all. At times, i just couldn't accept, i admit, that the world is somehow changing and it creates a little fire in me because i cant do anything about it. I started small. i try to be there for all my cared ones and i understand that some friends come and go and some friends don't. It is at this point that proves, for the fact that one of my friend were playing basketball with me one day and usually, when i play basketball, i'd smile. This particular day, i'd smile in a game with him and he himself taking it as an insult and gets mad all about it. Plus, basketball is a game where players can play however way they want and this dude goes ahead and gets mad too when i dont play it the way he wanted me to. It MAKES PERFECT SENCE. He has been a complainer and a whinner, and they're more or less all the perfect little things that describes him. He goes to a restaurant filled with people with me. When we finally got a seat, he'd complain about not going to sit at that seat, with any possible reason he can strike up. He'd enjoy making people in pain and only caring about his own. He's the one and only guy that i know, that blames or scolds him mum whenever there's something that he doesn't quite cope with. example? a dog that he barely knows one month that got bloated, he'd blame everything. He doesn't know the life he lives and the life of others does he? I dont know but he doesn't seem quite sure with himself, for the fact that he'd post something stupid on youtube like after that last basketball match we had and i'd share it with another friend tht either of us know. This other friend goes ahead and tell him and he too post a statement on his faceboook wall talking about a little boy complaining and i'd assume that he's talking about me. But i'd sure hope he isn't talking about himself that someone is THAT childish enough to post something like this in his facebook wall? what, he's got no mirror at home for him to take a good look at himself before judging calling others what HE is? I dont know, but when he reads this blog, he's gotta rush to the convenience store immediately. *laugh*

       Im a little surprised however that some people would actuall defend this guy. Most of it would his buddies where they get to know him during school times. There's is this particular dude that relaly puts up with the other guy that is pissed with his lack of reputation and self-esteem. He says exactly what the other dude says. That ME smiling in a basketball game could actually piss someone and make him feel insulted. MAN! am i that good with the smile? that i could go provoking people all over? Then the whole street that i walk on would be angry at me all the time? What? is he so sensitive that he cant take a smile for something else but to think of it as an insult and piss himself off? man.. he needs some counselling.

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